Apollo – tandartsen voor orthodontie strives for continuous improvement of our care. We think it is important that you are satisfied. Despite all the attention and effort, things can sometimes turn out differently. We appreciate you taking the trouble to inform us about your findings, especially if they are negative in nature. Only then can we find a solution together.
If you are not satisfied
You can make your comment, suggestion or complaint known to your practitioner or the desk. You can also contact us by telephone (020-2104006), or fill in the complaint form below. We will then discuss your comments internally with the responsible parties and contact you within three days.
Complaints procedure
We try to find a solution together with you. In the unlikely event that this does not work, it may be good to know that you can use the KNMT complaints procedure to which we are affiliated.
The complaints procedure of these dental professional organizations meets the requirements that the Healthcare Sector Client Complaints Act sets for every healthcare provider. The KNMT can mediate or proceed to a formal handling of your complaint and make a decision. There are no costs associated with the complaints procedure. More information can be obtained from the KNMT, PO Box 2000, 3430 CA Nieuwegein ( For personal advice or information, please contact the Dental Information Point (TIP), 0900 20 25 012 (0.90 pm)